join us!
You can donate to our cause - click on the text below to be part of the team keeping the orca's environment safe
Join our group and help us give a voice to the whales. Our Facebook Page keeps you up-to-date on our actions – we need help from all sorts of people! Attend our meetings and help us get the word out.
You can help us in many ways:
1) Become an Orca Rescue Ranger and join us at the demonstrations.
2) Donate some money. Anything helps!
3) Buy a T-shirt or hat and wear it proudly. Tell all your friends!
4) Contact us for details on sponsorship of a whale, which covers the cost of creating an inflatable orca.
If you choose to sponsor a whale by covering the costs of it’s creation and inflation, you can even choose a whale to sponsor from an identification chart and we will make that surrogate to resemble that orca.
The Center For Whale Research has an excellent listing:
as does the Whale Museum: